Thursday, October 10, 2019

Arizona Cart Services Mobile System - A success Story

We recently completed a project for Arizona Cart Services (ACS), a subsidiary of Arizona Food Marketing Alliance (AFMA) in Phoenix, Arizona.

ACS renders a variety of services to food and other large retailers in Phoenix, Tucson, Yuma and Sierra Vista and other Arizona locations.  One service is the retrieval of grocery carts that were removed from a retailer's premises. The service used to be managed with paper tickets prepared manually by 24 drivers and signed by the receiving employee of the retailer.  With over 600 locations, the task was staggering.

We were tasked with developing a mobile Cart Retrieval app that the drivers could use to prepare electronic tickets from anywhere anytime. A Dispatch app was also implemented to manage dispatching drivers to retrieve abandoned carts reported to the City of Phoenix or Tucson by citizens.

Design, development, and testing were performed during the Spring of 2017. Since going into production, the ACS system has processed (in six months) 24,000 tickets accounting for 160,000 carts and 1200 dispatch orders and their disposition. In October 2019 it broke its record of retrieving and processing over 1 million carts.  The time required for weekly customer invoicing and to pay drivers has been reduced by about 80%.  New areas of opportunity to improve logistics efficiency have been identified and new apps are under development.

For Logistics Services contact Arizona Cart Services - 120 E Pierce St, Phoenix, AZ 85004  Phone: (602) 258-4942

To report stray carts contact

To explore development and implementation of cloud-based logistics support mobile apps contact Marco Messina  Cell  602-325-3213