I am Marco Messina, founder of KnowNav.com (Knowledge Navigation Systems ).
We are in the early stages of developing a new Knowledge Acquisition System.
We have nothing to sell. We are looking for expert input from knowledge workers at all levels.
Our research shows that business managers and knowledge workers experience the following problem:
1 They are short of time
2 They would like to read more of the business best-practices books that everyone around them talk about
3 Books frequently bought stack up unread
4 Anxiety arises from not knowing information that bosses, clients, coworkers presume one would have read and be able to articulate and use.
IF this is not your experience, your insight may be even more important.
Faster Learning
Get only the concepts without reading the whole book
Fast track to the unique insights of the author and skip the commonplace fluff
Not a summary or abbreviation, a concepts extraction and organization
Drill down into details and into the book itself only for sections of interest
"Twitter-formatted" information for fast absorption and retention
Better Learning
Explore in the order of one's curiosity, not as the book was written
Structured concepts facilitate re-delivery to others (appear knowledgeable)
Facilitate integration into PowerPoint slides
We welcome your thoughts. Please take the Your Needs Survey
Below are our early prototypes, not final products. - Sorry, no iPads, all Flash based for now.
Please read the instructions at the top of the page.
KnowNav™ Roadmaps of published books:
Nail It Then Scale It by Nathan Furr and Paul Ahlstrom (partial prototype, inactive links to the ebook)
The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber
7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven H. Covey
Mastering The Rockefeller Habits, The One Page Strategic Plan by Verne Harnish
KnowNav™ Roadmaps of knowledge domains developed to mentor entrepreneurs
Working Backwards (into an angel investor pitch)
Your comments, preferably by phone (602-325-3213) or in person would be most appreciated:
1. Please Schedule a demo/conference call when most convenient to you, or
2 If you try the demos by yourself, please tell us what you think with the Solution Survey
Marco Messina2 If you try the demos by yourself, please tell us what you think with the Solution Survey
More information about my development of KnowNav™ Roadmaps is available at KnowNav.com
Thank you for your time and help